Tuesday, June 9, 2009


You know those friends who you just love to see but it always seems months (sometimes years) go by between visits??? I'm sure you have at least a couple of friends where this is the case... Mike and Leah are one such couple who I don't get to see nearly enough but finally last weekend I got down to Cambridge for a visit and oh my goodness did we have fun!!!

I can't believe how much the boys have changed... I think it's been just over 2 years since our last visit (I promise it won't be that long again before the next Leah) and I'm so proud of my pup Daytona for playing so well with them... he was exhausted by the time we made our way back to my dad and step mom's place.

Leah and I met over 10 years ago (oh my goodness!) when I started working at The Levi's Outlet located on the outskirts of Waterloo, also known as St. Jacobs. I managed to break the ice quickly it would seem after my dyslexia proved to be a source of entertainment on my very first day of work. But I'll save that story for another day.

Leah and Mike have been so good to me over the last 10 years... I hardly know where to start. I use to stay with them most weekends when I was attending Sheridan just so I could put in a couple of shift at Levi's Outlet, Mike has helped me with car stuff... changing windshield wiper blades?? how do I do that?... taking my car for oil changes...and oh my goodness the amount of laundry I use to do... Leah pretty much taught me the ways of a washer and dryer... to this day I think of her every time I shake out the wet stuff and toss it in the dryer. LOL

How things have changed... no little boys running around back then.. just a cranky cat that had it out for my feet. Perhaps things where simpler overall but I can't imagine it any other way today. Two perfect little boys full of life and energy to spare, a proud Mom and Dad and a humble friend still loitering on the couch lucky enough to have friendships that stand the test of time.

Thanks you guys... next time I'll bring Jamie along too!